
Evgeny Angelov Evgeny Angelov

Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism
Evgeny Angelov - born 1975 in Sofia. He graduated Нarvard Business School - МВА, and bachelor degree in Information Systems, Guildhall University, UK.
He worked in London eight years (from 1995 to 2003) for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - the biggest investor in Central and Eastern Europe. Evgeny Angelov was engaged in structuring and negotiating project financing in ten countries in the real estate sector, financial services, pharmacy, cement and chemical industry. In the period 2005 - 2008 he worked as an Acquisition Director of Trigrаnit Development Corporation, one of the largest real estate companies in Central and Eastern Europe and was also a member of the Lazard Investment Bank (New York) team for real estate and restructuring. In 2008 he established the share investment fund Аttria Capital for the Southeast Europe and was its first CEO. Evgeny Angelov is also a founder and director of New Energy Partners - a wind farm development company.

Ivaylo Simov Ivaylo Simov

Director, Global Finance
Ivaylo Simov graduated from the Economics Faculty of Sofia University and has over ten years experience in equity investments.
Between 1998 and 2002 and worked for Caresbac Trans Balkan Fund, but by the end of 2002 joined the Global Finance as an investment manager.
He has participated in the acquisition of several companies from the Global Bulgaria & Romania Growth Fund and the Global South Eastern Europe Fund in Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and other countries in the region and in the successful sales of companies in which funds hold shares.
Member of the Board of Directors of Teletek Group, Call Point New Europe and others.

Viktor Manev Viktor Manev

Managing Partner, MM Consult
Mr. Viktor Manev, Managing Partner, Consulting Team, is a Certified Management Consultant and the Chairman of the Ethics Commission with BAMCO (the national association of management consultants).
Mr. Manev started his career in the biggest insurance company on the Bulgarian market, DZI (1993) and was responsible for the marketing strategy of the life insurance division (1994) and the formation of a private pension fund (1995).
Prior to founding MM Consult Mr. Manev served as a chief financier of the Center for Mass Privatization (CMP) at the Council of Ministers (1996-98) where he was responsible for the entire institutional financing of the privatization of more than 1,000 Bulgarian enterprises.
Since 1994, Mr. Manev actively participated in FDI inflow and M&A deals estimated at USD 130 mln, while through his work as a state official 18 percent of the state-owned assets were turned into private hands.
Mr. Manev has BS in Finance from WVWC, WV and specialization in comparative studies in the University of Oxford.

Anthony Hassiotis Anthony Hassiotis

CEO and Member of BD, Post Bank
Anthony C. Hassiotis is the Country Manager for the 6 affiliated companies of the Eurobank EFG Group in Bulgaria, the Chief Executive Officer of Postbank and a Member of the Board of Directors. His previous employment include Chairman and CEO of the General Bank of Greece in 2002. He also worked as a Deputy Governor and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Bank of Greece in 2001, Country Manager of Barclays Group and CEO of Barclays Bank in Greece in 1999. Since 1982 and for 17 consecutive years, he was employed as Senior Executive in key positions at Citibank in various countries (U.S.A., Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Greece). He has also served as an Executive at Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. and in London, UK. He holds a Master of International Management in Finance from the American Graduate School of International Management of Arizona and a Bachelor’s in Economics with Distinction from the University of Arizona, U.S.A. He has also studied at the City University Business School in London, U.K. and at the University of Florence, Italy.He has been AmCham Treasurer in Costa Rica and member of the AmCham in Athens. In Greece he was member of the BoD of: the Athens Stock Exchange (EXAE), the Hellenic Banks Association, the Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) and of Interbanking Systems SA (DIAS). Currently he is the the President and a Member of the BoD of AmCham in Bulgaria (American Chamber of Commerce) and he was also a Chairman of the BoD of HBCB (Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria) till July 2009, where he is now the Vice Chairman. In November 2008, he was also elected member of the Board of the Confederation of Industrialists and Employeers in Bulgaria (CEIBG).He was also a BBLF Board Member from 2005 to 2008.