Agenda of the Conference "Challenges in the Development of the Energy Market in Bulgaria.Gasification, Energy Supply and District Heating"
10:00 – 10:15 Opening
Galya Prokopieva,Editor-in-Chief, Capital Weekly
Valentin Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy
10:15 – 11:30 First panel: The energy market after the gas crisis
Moderator: Nikolay Minkov, Uconomics
The Bulgarian energy strategy up to 2020
Ivanka Dilovska, Head of "Energy Strategy" Directorate, Ministry of Economy and Energy
The Turkish experience in diversification of natural gas supply and guaranteeing the security of the supply
Ali Tunga, Chairman, Petco Energy
Who is who on the liberalized natural gas market; "intermediary" or "supplier" – where is the difference? A need to develop a regulatory framework to clarify the operation concepts and mechanisms on a liberalized market
Sasho Donchev, Executive Director, Overgas
Challenges for the free electrical energy market
Rumyana Georgieva, Manager, Vivid Power
The role of the National Electric Company for the development of the electricity market
Eng. Ivan Zhelyazkov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, National Electric Company
The heat energy market – status and perspectives
Petko Milevsky, Executive Director, Toplofikacia – Sofia
11:30-12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:00 Second panel: Development of the natural gas market
Moderator: Ivanka Dilovska, Head of "Energy Strategy" Directorate, Ministry of Economy and Energy
Concept of a National Program for Accelerated Gasification of the country
Svetoslav Ivanov, Deputy Executive Director of Overgas Inc. and Member of the Bulgarian Association for Natural Gas
What does the operator – Bulgartransgaz – do about the security of supply and the expansion of the gas transmission system
Angel Semerdjiev, Executive Director, Bulgartransgaz
Incentives for the investors in distribution networks, and creation of means for informed consumers choice
Alexander Kozhuharov, Member of the Board of Directors, Citygas
The Win-Win scenario – a possibility to bring the interests of manufacturers/importers, transportation companies, and consumers of energy and gas closer together.
Nikolay Minkov, Uconomics
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Third panel: Development of the electrical and heating energy market
Moderator: Yassen Guev, Manager PR and Communications, CEZ Bulgaria
Quality of electricity supply services - criteria, deadlines and possibilities for their fulfillment
Yassen Guev, Manager PR and Communications, CEZ Bulgaria
Perspectives for the development of electricity trade in Bulgaria and the region and the significance of the nuclear energy in this process
Nikolay Vuzev, Executive Director, Energy Financial Group
The challenges before Kozloduy NPP at the electricity market liberalisation
Snezhana Yankova, Head of Unit, KozloduyNPP
Presenting the project for installing a newsteam-gas block of 750MW at "Thermal Power Station - Varna"
Jan Soudny, Manager, CEZ Power Generation Bulgaria
Will a mechanism for the fair distribution of the so called ‘green’ bonus be implemented?
Plamen Denchev, Member of Bulgarian State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission
The actions of district heating companies in the gas supply crisis
Valentin Terziyski, Chairman, Bulgarian District Heating Association
Measuring and accounting heat energy – problems and tendencies
GochoChemshirov, Director Regulations Management, EVN Bulgaria
15:30 Closing