
Delian Dobrev Delian Dobrev

Delian Alexandrov Dobrev was born in 1978 in Haskovo. In 2002 he graduated as an economist at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, USA. He has specialized in accounting and finance at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Dobrev is an expert in European Project Management, financial and tax legislation. His professional career started in the consulting firm KPMG in Toronto, Canada and Newton Finance Management Group - Sofia, Bulgaria. After returning to work in Bulgaria Dobrev starts working at the Regional Administration of Haskovo and as a project manager with a European funding agency to support the development of small and medium businesses, District Court - Haskovo, Alliance for Regional Cooperation and Development and others. Until his appointment as deputy minister deputy, he is member of the Budget and Finance Committee and the Committee on economic policy, economy and tourism in Parliament, where he was elected deputy chairman.
He was appointed Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy on 18 May 2011. As a Minister he was elected by Parliament on March 21, 2012.


Ivanka Dilovska Ivanka Dilovska

Ivanka Dilovska is Chairman of the Management Board of the Energy Management Institute since it was established in June 2010. Her extended professional experience in the energy sector began in ENERGOPROEKT JSC and afterwards she took over managing positions in the energy ministry as Director of directions for energy strategy, projects, markets and state governance (1993-1996, 2002-2005, 2007-2010) and Deputy Minister of Energy (1996, 2005-2006). Major areas of interest and responsibilities during these periods are the sector policies and strategies, energy balances, statistics, analysis and prognosis; energy markets and projects; regulation; privatization and restructuring of the branch.
At the same time Mrs. Dilovska was a member of the management and supervisory boards of a number of big energy companies as a representative of the minister of energy. She has worked as a consultant to the Energy Commission in the National Assembly, the Privatization Agency, the State energy and water regulatory commission, a number of PHARE projects related to energy policies, the Economic and Investment Bank.
Mrs. Dilovska has a master degree in Business Administration and Electronic Processing of Information from the University of National and World Economy.

Kaare Jan­son Kaare Jan­son

Mr. Kaare E. Jan­son is ambas­sa­dor of the King­dom of Den­mark to Bul­gar­ia since 2007. He has grad­u­at­ed in his­to­ry and lit­er­a­ture from the Copen­ha­gen Uni­ver­si­ty and has worked as a lec­tur­er at The Roy­al Dan­ish Air Force Acad­e­my. He entered the Dan­ish Min­is­try of For­eign Affairs in 1979 and from 1982 he served as First Sec­re­tary at the Dan­ish EC-Rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Brus­sels. He has also served as Coun­sel­lor at the Dan­ish EC-rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Brus­sels, Chair­man of the EC-work­ing groups on Cen­tral- & East­ern Europe, The Sovi­et Union and Chi­na, Min­is­ter-Coun­sel­lor at the Dan­ish Embas­sy in Wash­ing­ton D.C., Dep­u­ty Direct­or in the Sec­re­tar­i­at for For­eign Trade at the MFA and Direct­or of the EU-Sec­re­tar­i­at at the MFA.

Violeta Stanicic Violeta Stanicic

Violeta Simeonоva Stanicic is the Head of the European Parliament Information Office in Bulgaria. She was born in Varna, Bulgaria. Mrs. Stanicic graduated in Journalism from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and received her Masters degree in Political Science at the Northeastern University in Boston, United States.
She is a journalist with more than 17 years of working experience in the leading Bulgarian medias such as "24 chasa" and "Standart" dailies. She has been cooperating with BTV, "Dnevnik" daily, "Tema" magazine, etc. Mrs. Stanicic has been a freelancer and author of "Time" magazine for more than 10 years. She is an author of over 1000 articles and analyses.
In 2009, after winning the European Institutions' competition, she became Head of the European Parliament Information Office in Bulgaria. 

Konstantin Stamenov Konstantin Stamenov

Konstantin Stamenov graduated a master degree in "Economics & Informatics" in the University for National and World Economics. He has specializations in financial journalism of the Thompson Foundation and the Financial Times newspaper, in the financial department of GlaxoSmithKline in UK, in financial journalism and public relations of the Voskamp Foundation - Holland. During 2002-2003 he is in charge of a test team for the project RINGS of BNB, which is the Gross Settlement System in Real Time of Bulgaria. He has certificate in Logistics from European Management Center, Project Management of Stevens Institute of Technology (USA), Payment Systems from Joint Vienna Institute and etc. He was elected as a vice-chairman of the established on the 17th of November, 2006 Bulgarian Federation of the Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC). Since 2009 he is Chairman of MB of BFIEC.
He works in Stomana Industry for 10 years in various senior management positions. At present he is Director Strategic Planning and Investments.


Kamen Kolev Kamen Kolev

Kamen Kolev was born on 19 March 1954.He graduated from the Technical University in Sofia in the specialty of technical system and has defended a candidate dissertation "Doctor of Financial Analysis".
He has specialized in USA, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany and Switzerland in the field of industrial analysis, public and private partnerships, public commissions, evaluation and financing of investment projects and others.
He is a licensed appraiser of the American Association of Business Appraisers and is a Member of the Monitoring Committee of the SAPARD and ISPA programmes; of the operational programmes "Competitiveness", "Regional Development" and "Administrative Capacity".
He participated in the development of the National Plan for Economic Development of Bulgaria in the period 2007-2013 and of the regional operational programmes in the period 2007 – 2013.
He is an author of the books "Technological innovations" and "Public Procurement – Procedures and Practices", also of a Manual of Energy Management.
He has been working in BIA for 24 years, consecutively occupying the positions of a senior expert, Director and Director General.
Since 2005 he has been a Vice President of BIA and supervises the branches of Industrial Development, Investments and Economic Analysis, EU funds and Better Regulation.
He speaks fluently English and Russian. 

Joost Kanen Joost Kanen

Joost Kanen is a Dutch economist, former negotiator on the Kyoto Protocol and the EU Emissions Trading System, author of the book "Carbon Trading & Pricing"  and consultant, specialized in market design, innovation, climate change and energy policy, and investments in the global carbon and European electricity markets. Main theme and driver is applying economic theory, among others on market efficiency to the newly liberalizing and emerging strategic carbon and interrelated energy markets.
His focus areas are: research and advice on carbon trading policies and strategies, structures and the design of carbon market, secondly bridgehead into the EU for independent CDM/JI project developers/sellers in emerging economies, thirdly, advisor to entrepreneurs with carbon innovations on how to raise capital and on how to capture the carbon value, in case they are outside the EU ETS, and finally he works on large biomass (wood pellet) deals for power stations, whereby CO2 emissions are reduced. 


Pavla Mandatova Pavla Mandatova

Pavla Mandatova is Advisor in the Networks Unit of EURELECTRIC, the European electricity industry Association.
Within EURELECTRIC, Pavla is responsible for several working groups of the Networks Committee, including the WG Distribution Regulation and Policy and WG TSO-DSO Interface. The focus of those groups is to represent European DSOs with one voice towards European Institutions and stakeholders on issues such as network regulation, deployment of Smart Grids and development of European network codes. Besides that, she is also following integration of generation, including renewable energy sources, to European distribution networks.
Prior to joining EURELECTRIC in 2011, Pavla worked as an EU affairs specialist in CEPS (the Czech transmission system operator). She holds a master’s degree in international relations (Charles University in Prague).


Marina Stefanova Marina Stefanova

Marina Stefanova holds a Masters in Law from the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridksi". She has a specialization from the Cambridge University. Ms. Stefanova is a certified CSR consultant with UNIDO, member of the Bulgarian mirror Committee for ISO 26000, member of the CSR working group at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, an expert, lecturer and an auditor for international CSR projects.
She has been appointed as an executive director of the GCLN Bulgaria of 1 March 2011. Since then she is representing the GC network in Bulgaria and abroad. She is responsible for the overall management of the organization; strategic and operational planning, budgeting and reporting; development of LN’s program priorities and contacts with the Steering Committee; GC members; partnering organizations and CSR Europe.

Georgi Nikolov Georgi Nikolov

Georgi Nikolov holds the position General Secretary of Aurubis Bulgaria, the third largest company in the country. He has a master degree in "Law" of"St. Kliment Ohridski" University. He started his career as a legal counsel of Himcomplect Engineering in 1992. In the period 1993 – 1998 he held the position of Chief Legal Counsel in Bulgartabac, and since 1998 till now he has been working for the copper producer situated near Pirdop currently named Aurubis Bulgaria, where he experienced various positions and is directly involved in the management and the social policy of the company. He is a memberof the managing boards ofthe Bulgarian Associationof Metallurgical Industry (BAMI), Bulgarian Federationof Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEK) and SrednogorieMedIndustrialCluster(SMIK). He is married withtwo children.

Plamen Popov Plamen Popov

Senior originator New markets  Statkraft Markets GmbH
Managing Director of Statkraft SEE, Bulgaria 

Plamen Popovhas more then 25 years working experience in power transmission and power generation. In the period 1981-2001 he participated in many projects related to power generation control systems and transmission system planning in Bulgaria and Lebanon. Between 2001 and 2005 Plamen Popov played a leading role in initial design and opening of Bulgarian electricity market.
In 2006 Plamen Popov joined Norwegian power generator Statkraft. Since then he is actively involved in origination of the power markets and coordination of trading activities in the countries of South-East Europe.

Radoslav Mikov Radoslav Mikov

Radoslav Mikov is a Senior Associate based in the Sofia office of Wolf Theiss. Radoslav has extensive expertise in the energy sector covering a wide spectrum of issues related to the regulatory framework such as generation, public procurement, licences and tariffs, connection to the grid, electricity distribution, non-discriminatory compliance programmes and equal access issues, retail supply and electricity trade, as well as construction matters. In addition, Radoslav is experienced in the legal aspects of multi-disciplinary due diligence projects with respect to regulatory and real estate law matters in the energy sector. Radoslav has been involved in the decision making processes of some of the largest energy sector stakeholders operating in Bulgaria. With more than nine years in the electricity sector value chain Radoslav has an outstanding business view and approach to the energy market.
Radoslav previously worked for Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant in Bulgaria as a senior counsel where he was involved in Units 3-6 modernization programme and 1-2 Units decommissioning. He continued his energy career as head of regulatory management of E.ON Bulgaria, one of the three private distribution companies.
For the past three years, Radoslav has advised on some of the most important energy projects in Bulgaria, such as the restructuring of the Bulgarian Energy Holding related with the implementation of the third energy package and the development and commissioning the largest photovoltaic park on the Balkans with an installed capacity of 60.4 MWp.