Private Equity Investments in Bulgaria and the Region Conference' 2009

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When is the right moment for investment? What are the opportunities in the private equity? What are the challenges for the entrepreneurs?

For the fourth consecutive year leading investment funds in Bulgaria and the region, consultants, banking and financial experts and entrepreneurs will gather to discuss the latest trends in the sector. The conference will present more data and analysis on the development of market strategies for growth, and the sectors currently offering good investment opportunities

Key issues to be discussed in 2009 event include:
- Global private equity trends, influences on Private Equity in CEE
- The changed paradigm of the funding cycle in 2009 - Key characteristics and requirements
- Opportunities in the region in 2009
- Deal valuations and deal structuring in a changed environment. Do (which) deals happen today? 
- Key issues in company restructurings, experience of the portfolio companies

Participation Fee:
Participation fee for bookings received by 15th May 2009 – € 92 incl. 20% VAT
Participation fee for bookings received after 15th May 2009 – € 123 incl. 20% VAT

Bookings Deadline: May 22, 2009